Summary Resource Co.,Ltd
Name:Summary Resource Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Ferrous Sulfate
CAS No: 7720-78-7
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Others
Product spec: powder
Packing: Net weight 25 kgs per bag,linked by PE
Post Time: 2012-09-07
Usage: Industrially,ferrous sulphate is mainly used as a precursor to other iron compounds.It is a reducing agent,for the reduction of chromate in cement.
Description: Nutritional Supplement Together with other iron compounds,ferrous sulphate is used to fortify foods and treat iron-deficiency anemia.Constipation is a frequent and uncomfortable side effect associatedwith the administration of oral supplements.Stool softeners often are bprescribed to prevent constipation. Colorant Ferrous sulphate can also be used to stain concete and some limetones and sandstones a yellowish rust color. Water Treatment Ferrous sulphate has been applied for the purification of water by flocculation and for phosphate removal in municipal and industrial sewage treatment plants to prevent eutrophication of surface water bodies.
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